Leadership Recognition
“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”
Roberta Bondar students are instrumental in helping create a positive atmosphere at our school. They continue to offer suggestions to fine tune initiatives such as Character Education and Positive Discipline. Senior students offer their time to support younger students as recess and lunch-time monitors. They plan school-wide events such as spirit days, intramurals and play days and promote student council initiatives at the junior and intermediate pisions throughout the school. All of our students have a strong sense of community and consistently look for opportunities to support others. They have generously contributed to food drives, and rise to the challenge to help the global community and we participate in the annual Terry Fox Run and Jump Rope/Hoops for Hearts. Our students are leaders and ambassadors when representing our school in band performances and sports events such as the south east region of the OCEAA. Students are involved at many levels and are recognized on a regular basis, through tokens, school announcements, newsletters, assemblies, principal’s report to school council, and end-of-year awards ceremonies.
The Roberta Bondar staff members have a wealth of professional qualifications and expertise. The profile of the staff is varied; experience ranges from the seasoned veteran of 30 years to colleagues new to their role. This creates a dynamic, enthusiastic and energetic team. The staff has actively participated in numerous District-wide professional development activities in literacy and numeracy. Lead staff has taken on additional responsibilities using the train the trainer model to support colleagues in their professional growth. The co-leaders in each pision share leadership experiences, expertise and encourage life-long learning in colleagues. Many staff members have taken on leadership roles as mentors, and associate teachers as well as host and guest speakers to international educators and student teachers. At Roberta Bondar, we promote staff to consider formal positions of added responsibility as well as informal leadership opportunities. Staff generously gives of their time to our students outside school hours as tutors in literacy and numeracy and providing extracurricular opportunities throughout the year. Staff organizes a Multicultural Dinner to celebrate persity. We also recognize staff leadership via personal interactions with one another, letters of thanks, school announcements, school newsletters, assemblies, performance appraisals, and our principal’s report to school council.
Our volunteers consistently contribute many hours of support for the benefit of students in our school. They are involved in a range of activities, such as classroom readers, presenters, Kiss n’ Ride greeters and special events organizers, i.e., Parent Reaching Out grants to secure conference speakers, Meet the Teacher Night. They plan and run book fairs and used book sales to promote literacy throughout the community and have fundraising activities that support student learning. School council was instrumental in fundraising and planning for two new play structures in the past three years. At Roberta Bondar, our dedicated school council meets on the second Thursday of each month, provides input on a range of topics and supports school initiatives with human resources and funding toward library and curricular resources and purchases awards to recognize student achievement. They are invaluable partners, and we thank our parents, guardians and volunteers on an on-going basis, and look for opportunities to acknowledge them throughout the school year.
Roberta Bondar is a community school where partnerships are encouraged and fostered. We continue to build and expand partnerships in the community. Once again this year, we are fortunate to have the support from the Ottawa Police Service in the Ottawa Reads program. Local police officers read to our students in several kindergarten and primary classrooms. Dominos and our School Council have established a partnership to provide pizza lunches on Fridays. Hunt Club Dental Centre offers two grade 8 students each a $50.00 bursary at the end of the school year. We recognize our community partners through our school announcements, school web site, newsletters, homework calendars, principal’s report to school council, and thank you cards from students. We also invite our community to special events, ceremonies, shows and presentations.